Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance
RCS provides LIMITED accident insurance coverage for all students during the school day. In the past, this coverage was extended only to student athletes. All students, all student athletes, volunteers and participants in the JROTC and CTE programs are covered with a LIMITED BENEFIT SECONDARY insurance policy (PARENT-PAID INSURANCE IS REQUIRED for all sports participants, as well as JROTC and certain CTE classes). This coverage is intended to SUPPLEMENT parent-paid coverage and WILL NOT cover the entire cost of an injury that may occur. Please read the materials for more detailed information.
Parent-paid accident insurance policies are available for as little as $9 which will coordinate with the RCS coverage and significantly increase payments in case of accidental injury, some benefits will actually double. PARENTS WITH NO INSURANCE FOR THEIR CHILDREN (required for students participating in the activities listed above) OR HIGH DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE WITH LARGE CO-PAYMENTS SHOULD SERIOUSLY CONSIDER PURCHASING A STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLAN FOR THEIR CHILDREN.
Parent-paid accident insurance policies are available for as little as $9 which will coordinate with the RCS coverage and significantly increase payments in case of accidental injury, some benefits will actually double. PARENTS WITH NO INSURANCE FOR THEIR CHILDREN (required for students participating in the activities listed above) OR HIGH DEDUCTIBLE COVERAGE WITH LARGE CO-PAYMENTS SHOULD SERIOUSLY CONSIDER PURCHASING A STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLAN FOR THEIR CHILDREN.
Everything you need to file a claim can be found at:
If your student has an accident, please report it to the school office as soon as possible. They will provide a claim form and complete the school section. Please make sure you have the school do this or it will slow the claims process since the company will not be able to accept the form. That is the only section the school is permitted to complete. All of the required documentation and the remaining claim information MUST be submitted by the parent, to the company directly, for payment consideration (due to insurance and HIPAA regulations). All questions pertaining to the claim should be directed to the company with the contact information provided. But should you encounter any issues, please email Chief Finance Officer Jolie Kelly, [email protected].