Instructional Coaching
RCS Elementary Instructional Support Team
The consistency and cohesiveness of Rutherford County Schools’ K-5 curriculum initiatives has been greatly enhanced through the implementation of an instructional coaching model. Alignment of instructional materials, resources, and support enhances professional development and builds teacher capacity for providing differentiated instruction. To effectively achieve this alignment and augment our support to teachers and administrators, three instructional support teams serve the elementary schools.
Each Instructional Support Team (IST) includes:
- AIG Specialist
- Instructional Technology Facilitator
- Instructional Coach
This group of educators provides primary instructional support for teachers and administrators throughout our elementary schools. Working with the elementary education director, the instructional technology coordinator, and the AIG coordinator, teams collaborate to provide integrated teacher support and alignment of resources at their focus schools. Teams meet regularly to enhance consistency and fidelity in the implementation of district initiatives. Teams work collaboratively to best address the needs of teachers and administrators across the district.
Outcomes of increased collaboration of instructional support personnel include:
- Continued enhancement of the consistency and cohesiveness of LEA initiatives.
- Better understanding of all aspects of curriculum initiatives and how best to support teacher implementation of research-based best practices.
- Improved assistance to administrators in addressing school improvement goals as teams focus on providing comprehensive support to classroom teachers.
- Increased attention to technology integration as a means to support differentiated instruction.
- Enhanced ability of all instructional support personnel to provide customized professional development highlighting exemplary teaching across the district.
Each instructional support role has been assigned a specific job description which outlines duties and responsibilities of the position. The following integrated components of those descriptions are applicable to all members of the instructional support teams:
Teaching & Learning
- Collaborate with school-based administrators, teachers, and other support personnel to enhance the consistency and cohesiveness of instructional initiatives, address school improvement goals, and provide direct classroom support.
- Assist teachers using a holistic approach that includes all aspects of the classroom environment.
- Provide professional development and ongoing support to assist teachers and administrators in understanding and implementing research-based approaches addressing current standards, supporting district initiatives, and integrating technology.
- Assist teachers and other instructional staff in developing curriculum materials and lesson plans that integrate technology, address the current standards, and support district initiatives.
- Provide demonstration lessons which promote critical and creative thinking, model integration of technology, and enhance district initiatives.
- Support and encourage reflective practice and diagnostic/prescriptive teaching.
- Serve as a resource for teachers within their own professional learning communities (grade level and vertical planning meetings) and individual classrooms and regularly attend PLC meetings.
- Assist teachers and administrators in enhancing vertical alignment, implementing differentiated instruction, and designing focused interventions.
Information Access and Delivery
- Work with the principal and school leadership team to provide access to resources and support services as needed.
- Gather and evaluate information from a variety of sources including journals, conferences, workshops, NCDPI, etc.
- Implement best practices based on research, pilot programs, and state/national standards.
- Publish a weekly calendar online reflecting time for collaboration with classroom teachers and grade levels, demonstration lessons, and creation and/or alignment o resources for instructional planning.
- Develop and follow a plan for professional development and actively seek opportunities to grow professionally.
- Promote family, business, and community partnerships that support the academic success, career readiness, and general well-being of all children.
- Adhere to and communicate copyright as well as other laws and guidelines pertaining to the distribution and ethical use of all resources.
- Serve as a contact person for special events/programs/competitions (i.e Spelling Bee, Elementary Battle of the Books).
Program Administration
- Prepare and submit accurate reports as required.
- Lead in the ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of all instructional programs.
- Meet regularly with focus and district teams to coordinate all efforts and seek input from other support personnel.