Title III (ESL) » ESL Service Models

ESL Service Models


Students are pulled out of their regular classroom to attend ESL class. Either the ESL teacher or ESL assistant will work with the student to gain more English skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. ESL teachers collaborate with the classroom teacher to find a time that will coordinate with the classroom schedule. In pull-out sessions, the student(s) benefits from small group instruction that is tailored to their particular grade level and English proficiency level. 

Content-Based ESL

Content-based ESL is provided at both elementary and secondary levels with the content teacher differentiating instruction, in collaboration with ESL teacher and/or ESL assistant, in the regular education setting. This is done with training, coaching, and support from the ESL Lead Teacher, ESL teacher, or ESL assistant who have been trained in SIOP methods.

Sheltered Instruction

Sheltered Instruction at the secondary level is provided by certified SIOP trained ESL teachers to help ESL students access the content by combining content teaching with English Language Development components in each lesson. The goal is to help students acquire English as quickly as possible while they are gaining credit hours to eventually graduate.