Board of Education » Guidelines for Public Comments

Guidelines for Public Comments


Guidelines for Public Participation

at a Board of Education Meeting



1. The first 30 minutes of the regular Board of Education meeting may be used for Public Comments.


2. Anyone wishing to be recognized to speak to the Board must complete a Request Form before the meeting begins.  Name and topic of discussion must be listed.


3. Speakers will be allowed up to three minutes to address the Board at the discretion of the Chairman.


4. Groups concerned with a single issue should designate a representative to speak for the group.


5. Speakers will refrain from expressing complaints about specific employees or students in open session.  This is in accordance with G.S. §115C-321 and the Open Meetings Law, which protects students’ and employees’ records.


6. The Board of Education Chairman has the discretion to determine if a speaker may address the Board more than once on the same subject.  Priority will be given to those who have not previously addressed the Board.


7. The Chairman has the right to reject any speaker or subject listed for discussion.


8. All speakers are expected to conduct themselves with decorum and civility.


9. Board members may ask clarifying questions of any speaker during the meeting, but if further comments are necessary, they will occur at another time when more information has been gathered.