2021-2022 RFPs
- Do the vehicles listed for deployment currently have a GPS System installed? If yes, is the selected vendor to be required to remove the existing devices? Our staff will remove current GPS equipment. If quote includes vendor removing equipment, please specify such.
- Are all drivers equipped with a mobile device (tablet/phone)? Currently, no. Drivers may have a personal phone, but currently no district tablet/phone.
- Are the buses equipped with a mobile device in-cab (tablet)? If yes, what is the make/model? No.
- Is the Linq Payroll software cloud-based or an on-premises system (running on a local server)? If cloud-based, can the system utilize API’s for data transfer? Linq is currently housed on-premise, but will be required to move to cloud-based in the next year.
- How do drivers currently clock in/out? The current GPS system has keypad to input the driver's ID.
- Will the RCS consider a “Driver ID” system for logging drivers in/out? The current GPS system has keypad to input the driver's ID; other methods will be considered.
- Does RCS utilize any Fleet Maintenance software (AssetWorks, RTA, etc.)? If yes, which vendor is being used? SAP per NCDPI requirements, work order system designed by Brian McClung.
- Would RCS consider using their Sourcewell Membership as a method to procure? We are not members of Sourcewell or any other cooperative purchasing agreement that I am aware of so the answer to this is, no.
- Is there any equipment plugged into the J-Bus or OBD Ports on any of the vehicles? None are currently attached.
- Does the RCS use fuel cards or is all fueling done on-site? If using fuel cards, which vendor is being used? Fueling is performed on-site.
- In reference to the “service vehicles”, what type of PTO function(s) are to be monitored? On two fuel trucks, a simple on/off could be utilized, but not necessarily required.
- Does the RCS utilize a Fuel Management System (FuelMaster, EJ Ward, GasBoy, etc.)? If yes, which vendor is being used? We do, but the current vendor is not related to our GPS RFP.
- Are there any requirements for the RCS to perform Pre/Post Trip Inspections (DVIR). If yes, how are the DVIR’s being performed currently? We currently do not have an electronic requirement for pre/post trip inspections.
- Have any addendums been issued? I did not see any on the web site, but want to be sure.
Will be updated with questions as they come in.
May we submit our proposal electronically? (PDF via Email)
I’m running into some timing issues, and am not confident a hard copy is going to arrive on time.
May be submitted electronically. Must be emailed to [email protected]. It will not be opened until the opening of bids. Email must be sent prior to the deadline and will show a timestamp of when received and when opened. -
Which timeclock system are you using? Is there an app your drivers can use on their personal devices to log their times, as opposed to installing a tablet in every bus?
-The reason I ask is that adding a tablet to the vehicle so the driver can log in and out is a costly addition just for timecard logging. It could be 3x what the GPS features alone cost, because driver’s tablets generally are workhorses that do a LOT of different things, from pre- and post-trip inspections, to turn by turn directions, to providing student boarding manifests for every stop, as well as a communications link between the dispatchers and drivers, all while being ruggedized devices designed for operating inside a heavy duty vehicle environment. Investing in the tablet hardware just for timecard logging is like using a sledgehammer to put in a finishing nail. :-)
-So would you prefer us to bid a full tablet installation to support the timecard logging, despite the increased cost?
-Or should we keep the solution in our proposal to GPS and vehicle telematics for now, and look at adding tablets later as a future upgrade?
We currently use Linq. You may submit different proposals with different scenarios. The minimum that we must have is a method for drivers to clock-in and out. Apps may pose an issue as we have some schools with sketchy cell signals.
RFP #M20211122- Roof Replacement CES:PES:RSCHS
RFP #T20210915 New RSMS Access Points
RFP #T20210915-2 New RSMS Panels
Q&A for RSMS Panels:
Since we are all expected to stay at home during this time of social distance we would appreciate your consideration for the foregoing request.
RFP #M20210810 -Air Purification
Q&A for RFP Air Purifiers
1) I received notification of this bid opportunity for air purification devices; however, I was unable to find the type of units that would be needed for Rutherford County Schools.
Do you have other bid documents available that would specify the type of units being requested or the square footage the items to cover? Any other information you can provide about the air Purification units being requested would be greatly appreciated.
I have provided the square footage below for all schools. The area needed in our maintenance, transportation, and technology department is less than 35,000 square feet and might require a visit to these locations to determine the exact square footage. You are welcome to visit any and all locations prior to the submission deadline. Please let me know if you would like to do this, and I will notify our schools.
As for the type of units. We are open to most types, however, we do not want HEPA filters that would require frequent changing nor any unit that produces ozone as specified in the RFP.
Square Footage - RCS
Chase High - 104,185 |
Chase Middle - 101,619 |
Cliffside - 52,844 |
Cool Springs - 47,200 |
FC-Dunbar - 59,000 |
East High - 106,674 |
East Middle - 105,574 |
Ellenboro - 93,786 |
ROC - 53,199 |
Forrest Hunt - 62,352 |
Pinnacle - 69,225 |
Harris - 72,084 |
Mt. Vernon-Ruth - 62,500 |
RS Central - 244,741 |
RS Middle - 129,335 |
Rutherfordton - 83,983 |
Spindale - 61,785 |
Sunshine - 62,221 |
#M20210720--Carver Parking Lot
#T20210720 Structured Cabling for New Middle School
#T20210720 Structured Cabling for New Middle School Q & A
Typing errors in RFP:
Fiber patch cables need to be OS2 single mode not OM2 and fiber patch cables need to be "SC to LC" not ST to LC.
Blueprint notes:
1. In building area E306 the Band/Chorus Classroom does not have a "WAP" triangle/symbol on the blueprint for the ceiling however there needs to be a quad in the ceiling.
2. Some CCTV locations were left off of the blueprint, please refer to the information located at question 15 below.
Q1. Our team is asking for additional time to prepare our response. Can you confirm if you and the county can approve an extension to the deadline and possibly move the deadline to the beginning of the week of August?
A1. We can not extend the RFP deadline
Q2. Due to the fact that (vendor name redacted) is not an approved Avigilon vendor, would you be willing to accept a cabling only bid for the security scope of work?
A2. We are looking for a complete proposal covering all of the work described in the RFP and vendors have the option to subcontract parts of the work provided that it is all detailed and quoted within their proposal.
Q3: Is there a schedule as to when the work will need to be finished if awarded the project?
A3: Substantial construction completion of the school is scheduled for late January. Due to delays with the RFP, we will need work on this cabling project to begin as soon as possible and finish in a timeframe that does not hinder the construction completion timeline.
Q4: Will 3000v UPS’s suit the needs of each IDF?
A4: Yes
Q5: Is there a preferred UPS manufacturer?
Q6: Is there a preferred manufacturer for classroom instruction audio?
A6: None is needed for this RFP, Not Applicable
Q7: Will an IP based system such as AES be approved for classroom audio, common area paging, and bell scheduling as a combined solution?
A7: Yes
Q8: Is there a specified color for the panic strobe and can the annunciator and strobe be a single integrated unit?
A8: I asked and we do not use panic strobe lights at any locations.
Q9: Who does the panic button need to notify if pressed?
A9: Call 911
Q10: Is the contractor responsible for providing and installing the TV’s? If yes is there a preferred manufacturer and is a smart TV required?
A10: TV’s not applicable for this RFP, just the CAT6A cabling to the labeled areas. (Future)
Q11: RFP calls for 12 strand OS2 fiber between MDF and IDFs with 6 strands being terminated. Are the remaining 6 strands to be left dark/unterminated?
A11: Dark fiber. Labeled if code requires unterminated cabling to be labeled (I’m unsure).
Q12: RFP calls for OM2 ST to LC fiber patch cables. Is this correct, or do OS2 SC to LC patch cables need to be subsituted?
A12: This was a typing error, it is suppose to be “SC” to LC Patch cables.
Q13: RFP calls for classroom WAPs to have 4 Cat6a per location and other WAP locations to have 2 per. Is this correct?
A13: The ones labeled WAP’s one will be used for access points (installed by us) and the other ports for future use. So 4 in classrooms and smaller workrooms that have WAP’s listed they would be 2. This is of course in addition to the ones on the walls labeled. When it lists “WAPs” that means what will initially installed near this panel, etc. No wireless AP’s should be bid out, this will be handled in another RFP/etc.
Q14: RFP states that selection of rack types (4/2 post) or wall mounted vented cabinets was TBD. Is this still the case?
A14. Yes, 4 post in MDF, and wall mounted in IDF’s unless this is impossible/then 2 post. Needs to allow enough space for Ruckus ICX-7550's and other rack equipment which is over 16" deep.
Q15: We are seeing external mounted cameras, but no interior cameras on the drawings. Is this correct?
A15: We apologize for some of the areas not making it to the blueprint. There will need to be max 30 Avigilon CCTV cameras, all entrances and viewing down hallways, cafeteria, gym and office front desk area. At least 2-3 exterior cameras need to be analytical and we would like at least 1 be set to read tag plates at the front entrance.
Q16: RFQ states the installation of 12 strand OS2 fiber for the backbone cabling system between MDF/IDF locations. Patch cords are listed as OM2, is this meant to be OS2 patch cords?
A16: This was a typing error, is suppose to be OS2 patch cords.
Q17: Will fiber be expected to be installed within conduit pathway from the buildings MDF to each of the buildings IDF locations? Would armored fiber be an acceptable alternative to conduit?
A17: Yes, armored fiber will be acceptable.
Q18: Sheet E100 under Security the 1st Note says “all intrusion system devices shall be routed in surface raceway where exposed or on existing wall to above ceiling”. Is this raceway currently installed or is the contractor expected to provide & install it?
A18: According to the project manager the general contractor (Beam) will install.
General Contractor will provide:
- Door contacts for simple security
- J-Hooks
- Pathways for door access
- Cable trays at the main corridor
Q19: RFP states that GC has provided some cableways and j hooks. Does this mean Notes S1 and S3 on sheet E402 have been installed?
A19: Yes, will be installed. Some of J hooks may be installed by GC after speaking with awarded vendor, coming on site, etc. All j hooks provided.
Q20: Will the electrical be installing the fire sleeves or will we be responsible for them?
A20: The selected RFP vendor will be responsible for fire sleeves as the GC didn't know what size would be needed. RFP vendor will also provide approved caulk/fire stop for the fire sleeves as well.
Q21: We have seen both 11:00 and 3:30 for due times tomorrow on the quotes. Which one is it?
A21: It is 3:30PM. It is incorrect in one location on the RFP PDF. Sorry for the error!